
Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker

Keynote Speaker in 2019

Theme: Unveiling Evil, Unveiling God in the Book of Revelation

Biography (from 2019):

Robyn Whitaker is Coordinator of Studies – New Testament at Pilgrim Theological College and Senior Lecturer within the University of Divinity. She specialises in the Book of Revelation with particular attention to the visual culture in which the text emerged and the visual rhetoric of biblical literature. She has publishedon Revelation, Luke, and Mark’s gospel.

Divinity School. Her thesis on ekphrasis and the persuasive visual rhetorical of Revelation was one of the first studies on the use of ekphrasis in the New Testament and was subsequently published as Ekphrasis, Vision, and Persuasion in the Book of Revelation in 2015. She continues to work on Revelation exploring the theology, symbolism, and rhetoric of that text for both an ancient and modern audiences as well as the relationship between the Bible and visual culture.